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The BREP Community

For more than 60 years families, couples and groups have been coming to Ben Ricketts to enjoy our beautiful bush, simple lifestyle and history.

Ben Ricketts Environmental Preserve and the Friends of Ben Ricketts are dedicated to conserving the unique plant & animal biodiversity of the Illawarra escarpment and providing affordable holiday accommodation to families, groups and individuals. The company has entered into a Voluntary Conservation Agreement with the NSW Minister for the Environment. This will ensure that the property is managed to maximise its important environmental value.

The Preserve is owned by a group of individuals and families who have bought shares in the property to ensure that the natural and built environment is preserved in perpetuity.


Shareholders have access to cabin accommodation at reduced rates. Shareholders and Friends of Ben Ricketts are also involved in caring for the property. Bush regeneration and working bee weekends are held regularly. 

For information on how to become a Friend of Ben Ricketts or a shareholder in Ben Ricketts Environmental Preserve email:

Social events at Ben Ricketts
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