Getting Here

Look for these signs at our gates
From Sydney
Coming from central, southern and eastern Sydney: Take the M1 Southern Freeway from Waterfall and on towards Wollongong. South of Wollongong, take the exit to Albion Park (not Albion Park Rail) and follow the signs to Jamberoo. Just before reaching Jamberoo village, turn right at the dry stone wall with a large 'Jamberoo' sign onto Jamberoo Mountain Rd. We are 7.7 km from turnoff, just past Misty Lane.
​Coming from northern and western Sydney: Exit the Hume Highway (M31) at Picton Rd (B88) and then head toward Wollongong on the M1. Then follow the directions south of Wollongong as above
From Canberra
​​Southern approach: Start as if travelling to Sydney on the M1. Take Illawarra Highway (A48) to Robertson. Turn right onto Jamberoo Mountain Rd at the Robertson Pie shop 2 km east of the town. The cabins are approximately 15 km from turnoff, 1 km down the hill past the 'Barren Grounds Nature Reserve' entrance.